Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Alien-A-Day March 27th

Country singer and Las Vegas entertainer Johnny Sands encountered two of these miserable old cusses out in the desert. They asked him a few questions and when Jerry said that he didn't understand what they meant by one of them, the alien got all irritated and yelled at him!


  1. He looks so wise. I really dig him.

  2. Wise-Ass is more like it. Yelling at a poor, dumbfound guy in the desert!

  3. these are all very cool, are you writing the little paragraphs underneath or are they excerpts from something?

    btw im stealing this idea but doing my superhero/villain version, deal with it, haha.

  4. Thanks Tim! I did the write ups based on whatever information I could gather about the encounters. By all means, steal away! I'd be very excited to see your project!
